ON SALE at AMAZON,(IN ITS 12 BRANCHES AROUND THE WORLD     

                             This  EBOOK contains a series of tweets as an incisive commentary on various aspects of social life.

                                                                                                         THIS EBOOK is an expanding one in the sense that

                                ITS CONTENTS INCREASE WITH PASSAGE OF TIME.


         CLICK HERE to buy the Ebook at the various worldwide outlets of AMAZON.

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                                       If you have comments,           mailto:gomes17@gmail.com

                                                            SAMPLE TWEETS FROM THE BOOK

01. Silence can result from plain ignorance, or total indifference or wisdom judiciously withheld or maliciously.

 02 It is unnatural to remain single. Marriage is incomplete w/o children Psychologists frown at single child family. Two maybe ok. But by then you

are already done. Hooked. No escape. Rest is fate!

 03 Ego is OK. All can't be saints. It is the inflated ego that hurts all around. That is what arrogance is made up of.

04 Sleep is considered an effortless activity.Actually a preferred wholetime occupation for lazy. Yet if missing or elusive, Oh, how tough!

 05. No talk results in silence. No thought leads to meditation…

 06. Doing good is in fact pretty easy. Anybody can do it. Feed the poor. Who objects? But fight evil. That requires guts and determination sure.

 07. Life is a journey between two destinations. We know where the journey started. But we do not know where it will end , when or how…..

 08. Intelligence accompanied by arrogance, is understandable though not acceptable. But arrogance coupled with ignorance is intolerable.

 09. Your decisions in life largely depend on where your attitude lies in the spectrum of confidence –between overconfidence & diffidence.

10.It is unfortunate to see third rate coundrels die in their ripe old age,whereas their life should have been sniffed out long long back by decree

of court,accident,natural calamity or any other deserving manner.

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